Thursday, 31 May 2012

Setting up the worm farms

Wow - we have five worm farms to set up next week and we need to so some research so we know how to do it.

1.  Rounds of cardboard
2.  Rounds of carpet
3.  Newspapers
4.  Soil
5.  Worms
6.  Water

We need to find out what worms eat so we can make some food collection buckets.  Our worms will need feeding each day we go over to the garden.  Write comment to tell us what they like to eat.


  1. I think that its a good idea to put on a blog. you would learn a lot on that vido like how to bild a worm farm. I bet kids all a round the would whould like worms.

    age 8 Isabella

  2. Hi
    You can find some another useful short guide at this link:

  3. I am looking ford to when we put them up. Thank you Brodie's grandmama. We appeshate it.

    {Chloe age8]


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