Blog Comments

How to leave a blog comment...
1.  Click on the heading of the post you want to leave a comment on.  
2.  Scroll down till you see the "Leave a Comment", "Comments" or "No Comments" section.

3.  Type in your comment carefully not in text talk.

4.  Check your comment for full sentences correct spelling and punctuation.
5.  Identify yourself by clicking on the 'select profile' box to find 'name / URL'.
Click on this and add your first name to the name box.  You could identify yourself by saying 'Jack's granny' or Tim from Room 5.  Don't worry about the URL box unless you have a blog address you want to share.  We will insert our blog URL so people come to visit us. 

6.  Click 'Submit Comment' and the anti-spam box will appear.  Just type in the numbers/letters carefully and click post comment again.

7.  Wait till your comment is moderated and posted on the blog as there will be a delay as it gets moderated.

What makes a GOOD comment?
Try using the success criteria listed below.

1.  Start by using their name.

2.  Explain what you liked about their post 

Use details not just 'It was great', try 'I loved they way you mixed the colours in your painting.  It made me feel like I was really looking at the fireworks.'

3.  Give one idea on how they could improve their work.  
Try saying .... 'If you wanted to make your pose even better, you might like to try.....'

4.  Ask them a question to encourage them to respond.  
you might like to try…..

5.  Finish with your FIRST name and our blog URL (you could add your age)   so they can come and visit us too!

Happy blog commenting Waka Endeavour.  We are part of a World Wide Blogging Team
Remember it is a challenge to make many constructive blog comments and see if they are published, but your comment is...

Seen by the WORLD - full sentences, correct spelling and punctuation
Words should be kind - encourage people in their learning
Keeping you safe - never share your information like phone numbers, last name or address
Check before you click - you can't fix mistakes once it is sent

You could use these starters for a change:
  • This made me think about
  • I wonder why
  • Your writing has made me think we should
  • I wish I understood why
  • This is important because
  • I can relate to this because
  • Another think to consider is
  • I don't understand
  • I was reminded that
  • I found myself wondering…
These comment starters came from Mrs Gehle's Blog.  


  1. Hi
    I think that this is a good rule and how to do a blog comment on a blog I could come to this blog.
    By Bella

  2. Hi mrs Taylor the video about camp is cool becuase it shows haw much fun we had on camp.
    By Harriet


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Try visiting our new blog at Waka Stride.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.