Home Learning 2014

Home Learning Challenge:

Home-learning is comprised of a series of compulsory activities as shown on the following sheet.  
Daily Reading:  
Your child will be self-selecting a series of 'Good-Fit' books to read and will be taught the skill of making good book choices. Click on the 'Good-Fit' link to find out more.  Their challenge this year is to read 30+ books. They will be expected to record a daily reading history in their Wild Reader Notebook, where you can track their reading strategies and book reviews.  This must come to school every day as it is their reading book.

Daily Spelling:  

This will be based on the Essential Words List.  Test your child on the easy words at the back of their Home Learning Book and as they make five mistakes, begin to learn these words.  Your child needs to get tested by the teacher before school once a week. There are other more challenging lists and students progress to selecting their own interesting vocabulary from their reading. Spelling City is an online resource that is great for learning.
It covers the Essential Lists, vowel sound strings, look and sound alike words at different levels. 

Basic Facts and Tables:
Your child will know which basic facts or tables challenge they are up to.  They should use the 'Hands' and flashcards we supply from school or any other approach that suits their learning style.  Your child needs to get tested by the teacher before school once a week.

Order of acquisition:

Learn first the doubles, bonds to 5, bonds to 10, bonds to 20, 
Then move onto both the multiplication and division facts must be instantly recalled, in any order:  2x, 10x, 11x, 5x, 3x, 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 12x, square numbers. Bonds to 100 and to 1000 also need to be mastered.
Within learning a times table:
1. Skip count to ten forwards fluently
2.  Skip count backwards fluently
3.  Randomally recall questions  e.g. 5 x 3 = , 3 x 5 =
4.  Recall the division fact e.g. If I have 45 in the 5x table, how would I make it?  5 x ? = 45.


Your child is expected to bring a piece of writing to school each Monday - in their home learning book.  It can be about any topic and range from any genre such as a poem, instructions or other form.  It should be about half a page long. 
Story starts or motivational ideas might be given but only need to be used if they are required.  Recounting and e-mailing what the class mascot did at your house is an excellent option for Monday writing.  Later in the year, writing on your own personal blog is also an optional response.

Occasional Activities or Home Play Challenges:

Activities to support or class learning or a FUN Home Play challenge might be set.  These will be used in the class or a competition set for a class time.  They might include building a crash helmet for an egg, the fasted self-propelled boat or the fastest kite.

Expectations and check-ups:

All the compulsory activities must be completed during the week.  Home-learning books must be at school to share the writing on a Monday, they will be checked at group or 1:1 reading conferences for Reader History and particular tasks set will be or celebrated in class.  If your child is not completing Home Learning tasks, then 

Post your learning on the class blog:

Remember that any form of learning you do at home is important and valuable.  Please send in photos and recounts of learning you have sone at home or with friends.  These will go on the class blog.

Learning happens anywhere, anytime and in any place!

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