Yesterday we learnt how to compose our own music using Garageband on the iPad. Here is my first effort. We had a lot of fun!
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
The Bathers
Georgia wrote this Moment in Time based on the painting. She made a movie and composed the music in the background.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Monday, 3 December 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
Meet Georgia
Making music was a bit hard because we needed to work together to record each track. First we made a beat, then an accent and the melody. I hope you can hear our music behind my video.
Meet Phelix Movie
I have learnt on Garage Band that when you go on audio recorder you have to turn your other recorded tracks down. You always must keep the sound below the red line.
We made music using just things from around the class.
Isabella's Holiday
One day in the holidays I went to my dad's friends and we went to the Lime Hills pet show. There dad was really silly and we had to sleep in the tent.
This is me and my brothers when we had to go to see the lizards. They where relly cool and my brothers think it was cool as well. There was a playground when you went out. I loved my holiday.
Liam's home Learning
Hi i'm Liam,
This is my home-learning my police helicopter.
I made it with instructions.
One day my friend Nathan and I were being and it got broken so for home learning I fixed it.
This is my home-learning my police helicopter.
I made it with instructions.
One day my friend Nathan and I were being and it got broken so for home learning I fixed it.
Home Learning Fun!
Lachie found something really fun for us to do at home - make models from card. Check out this website.... to make one of these creatures! READYMECH Website link

Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Inside a trout - by Angus!
Dad went fishing, this is what was inside the rainbow trout’s stomach. It is a
green night beetle. It is gross. I
wasn’t surprised that it ate that, but
the others were. Angus
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Fluency - Keep it smooth and with expression
Angus is working on his fluency when reading. Check out this example!
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
My Calf named Snowy
Mmmm, what do you mean you don't have to do any home learning Liam?
You have to be self managing and feed Snowy even if it is cold and wet.
You need to weigh and measure out the calve's food, train it to lead, groom it and play with it. I bet you have even found out things like the breed and how a farmer uses this type of cow!
This sounds like the best type of home learning to me!
I think Snowy is nearly as cute as Miss Molly Moo Moo. We will have to get some photos on the blog of her too!
You have to be self managing and feed Snowy even if it is cold and wet.
You need to weigh and measure out the calve's food, train it to lead, groom it and play with it. I bet you have even found out things like the breed and how a farmer uses this type of cow!
This sounds like the best type of home learning to me!
I think Snowy is nearly as cute as Miss Molly Moo Moo. We will have to get some photos on the blog of her too!
Monday, 12 November 2012
Secret Garden Club

Watch out to see what we are harvesting each week. We are expecting some strawberries and spinach soon.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
The water bucket again!
This is a really good way to think about what you are going to write. I can't wait to see what Nathan and Isaac write tomorrow.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Check out camp!
We had a wonderful time. Take a look at the evidence. Make sure you all send your photos in so we can see what everyone else got up to - not just evidence from Allana's iPad!
Room 6 Camp on PhotoPeach
Moment in time - camp
Jeremy and Angus have used a Photo-Babble to help them think about a "moment in time' from camp. Can you guess what moment they are thinking of?
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Monday, 15 October 2012
Collaborative Spring Poem 6
Spring Poem 6
Written by Liam, Georgia, Daniella , Alice, Abby and Bailey
I know spring is coming because....
Grape hyacinth gather like exploding grapes
Pink and white blossom sway in the trees, like a windmill
Daffodils dance in the wind for joy
Tulips explode like a volcano bubbling.
Lambs baa like birds singing and chirping.
The calves jump around.
Activated nouns,
Blog Buddies,
Collaborative Spring Poem 5
Spring Poem 5
written by Graeson, Chloe, Phelix, Isaac, Callum, Zeus and Jared
Springston School and Ranzau School
We know it is spring because...
Daffodils sway in the beat of the wind.
Lambs jump in the air like fireworks dancing.
Flowers explode like hovering paint missiles.
Deer jump out of hibernation like a person getting out of jail.
The sun shines, the flower grow in the beautiful spring.
Flowers burst like bits of pop corn.
The wind blows like the sea.
Activated nouns,
Blog Buddies,
Collaborative Spring Poem 4
Spring Poem 4
Written by Eli, Isabella, Lachie, Matthew, Carolyne, Rohan and Jacob
I know it is spring because ….
Sun shines like a tide of warmth coming in.
Daffodils sway like they’re dancing.
Lambs jump in the air like bulls going psycho.
The leaves fly across the world like rockets blasting through space.
The trees turn golden in the sunlight.
Flowers sway in the wind like elegant ballerinas.
The golden leaves brush against the trees branches.
Activated nouns,
Blog Buddies,
Collaborative Springs Poem 3
Spring Poem 3
Written by Reeve, Jess, Josh & Reuben, Daniel and Jordy
Springston School and Ranzau School
I know spring is coming because...
Calves sail through the air as they leap with joy.
The daffodils bloom in the air and go with the flow of the wind.
Lambs jump like rockets into the sky.
Lambs snuggle fluffy like socks your grandma knitted.
Leaves sprout with joy from the trees.
The flowers pop up like popcorn ready to eat.
Trees sway from side to side like someone dancing.
Activated nouns,
Blog Buddies,
Blog Challenge,
Collaborative Spring Poem 2
Spring Poem 2 written by Sophie, Angus, Jojo, Ella, Shontelle, Megan and Jason of Springston and Ranzau Schools.
We know spring is coming because...
Daffodils sway in the wind and look like trumpets with an eye.
Ranunculus explode like mixed up paint colours.
Grape Hyacinths cluster like handfuls of blueberries ready to be eaten.
Flowers bloom like popcorn.
Lambs jump as high as the sky.
Butterflies flutter in the sky like a fairy.
Activated nouns,
Blog Buddies,
Collaborative Spring Poem 1
Spring Poem
Shared writing by Isabella K, George, Jeremy, Ripora, Bella of Springston School, Regan, Max, and Karla of Ranzau School.
I know spring is coming because...
Lambs spring about like jumping beans in the air when the wind sways.
Calves run in the the long grass with joy.
Ranuculus flowers sway left to right like the wind flowing through the air.
Flowers blossom, piglets born, brown ones too.
Sparrows build nests and lay huge eggs which soon hatch.
Petals fly through the air like butterflies.
The lambs run around like it is a running race.
Lambs jump up like they have springs on their feet.
Bird eggs crack like delicious fruit being snapped off trees.
Friday, 21 September 2012
The Human Life Cycle
Task 1:
The Human Life Cycle - find out about each stage by clicking on the images to complete the life cycle sheet you have been given.
Task 2:
Are you up for the challene of using what you know about the Human Life Cycle to return a teacher to the correct stage of development?
The Human Life Cycle - find out about each stage by clicking on the images to complete the life cycle sheet you have been given.
Task 2:
Are you up for the challene of using what you know about the Human Life Cycle to return a teacher to the correct stage of development?
Ripora - poetry recital
Check out this poem but be warned - the teacher might not believe this as an excuse for being late to school.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Friday, 14 September 2012
Home Learning Cooking
Last night I did some homework and I did some cooking with mum. We made some huge prawns
and little ones too.Once we put the prawns in the pot, Mum steamed some spaghetti and cooked some bacon. When everything was cooked mum cut the bacon up and I put the bacon in the bowls, with the sauce and spaghetti and placed the prawns on the top.
By Daniella
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Jess - Daily 5 Writing
Jess got this idea from her Writing Seeds Book. She wrote about it during Daily 5 Work on Writing and even edited her work so it was ready to publish. It only took her a couple of days because she worked so hard and was very motivated to finish it. Well done Jess - great writing.
Pizza halves - are they the same?
Jojo was looking at how to make pizza halves. She found a couple of different ways. They are called equivalent fractions.
How to make a whole!
Chloe's Daily 5 Writing
Chloe wrote this story during Daily 5 Work on Writing. She used the editing cards to improve her work and published it. Well done on following the Writing Process Chloe!
At the Zoo
At the Zoo
When Mum was away Dad said “ Do you want to go to the Zoo?” Lachlan and I both said “Yes.” So we did. Dad packed us some lunch, a drink of sparkling lemon and off we went.
At the Zoo there were lots of different shaped and sized animals like The Ringed-Tailed-Lemurs, Rhinos, Cheetahs, Tigers and Lions, Giraffes and lots of other animals.
A week ago a Giraffe named Harold, the zoos only male giraffe had passed-away. It was a sad day for the keepers at the zoo that day and now they are looking for another male giraffe and it is tough.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
10 minutes reading stamina without you (GOOD)
We managed 10 minutes without Mrs Taylor for our reading to self stamina with Mrs Scarlet. We enjoyed it but it wasn't as good as 11:21. It was amazing but we were still enjoying it really well.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Reading EEKK in Daily 5
We have to sit with elbows and knees touching so we can whisper to each other.
Monday, 27 August 2012
Visit Room 10 Raumati Beach School
Check out this cool school blog -
They have been experimenting with Wordle and word patterns.
I think we could have a try too. Make sure you visit them and leave a comment on their blog to say thanks for the idea.
I wonder who will be the first to find out where their school is? Leave a comment with your guess.
They have been experimenting with Wordle and word patterns.
I think we could have a try too. Make sure you visit them and leave a comment on their blog to say thanks for the idea.
I wonder who will be the first to find out where their school is? Leave a comment with your guess.
Can you hear some good description of Tāwhiri-mātea? What does he look like? What is he doing? How is he doing it and are there any activated nouns?
Develop our characters
We looked at how to describe the Māori god of the weather Tāwhiri-mātea with more detail so we could add it to our myths. See if you can hear some activated nouns.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Learning in class
In our class we think about our learning by using our planners. Jojo is evaluating her week and Eli is practicing taking videos.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Myth - how hail was made
This is a myth written by Jess. I love the words she has chosen and the way she has read with expression. Stunning work Jess.
Hoplite Soldiers
We learned about the Hoplite Soldiers and made shields with designs on. They represented the Greek Values we identified with.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Street Talk to share our learning
We have looked at Street Talk from Russel Street School earlier in the year. Could this be a better approach than a documentary for sharing our knowledge?
What learning would we need to do before we could create a news report like this?
How could each of our groups share their learning and it still tie together as a whole programme?
Write comments below to help us decide what workshops we would need to organize to prepare us for this challenge.
What did the Romans do for us?
Watch this television episode carefully. How could we use this approach to share our learning about what the Ancient Greeks did for us?
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Good Fit Books
How do you choose a book that is a 'Good-Fit' for you? That is one you can read and are interested in? Take a look at this video to see why it is important to get a good fit.
Would you wear gum-boots to dance ballet?
Would you wear gum-boots to dance ballet?
Check out how to find a 'Good-Fit' book on our very own Leap into Books Blog.
Week 6 Whakatauki (Maaori proverb)
This is our whakatauki for the week. Click on the MP3 link to hear how it should sound. Leave a comment to explain what you think it means to our learning.
Fill the basket of knowledge.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Hoplite War
On Friday, the Athenian Goddesses (Allana and Elaine!) declared war on the Hoplite Army. The Athenians had the advantage of modern weapons (Nerf Guns) but the Hoplites knew how to work as a team. They overlapped their shields and moved together to protect the whole group rather than just themselves. The designs on their shields represented the Greek Values they most identified with. Thanks to Stu for his help with these.
This challenge reminded us of what the Ancient Greeks have taught us. They showed us that team work is very important. We can see this also in Māori Values or Kotahitanga and in the Springston A+ Characteristics. We will tell you more about what we have learned next week.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Monday, 13 August 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
Greek Helmets
Check out our home learning challenge - to make an Ancient Greek helmet! They will go with the shields we are making. We will have to work together in formation to protect ourselves from Allana and Elaine shooting the Nerf Guns at us on Friday!
Thursday, 9 August 2012
The Three Bears - Reader's Theatre
This was our first attempt at doing Reader's Theatre but you can hear us working hard on our expression. We worked well as a team to produce the story and practiced until we got it right.
This was also our first try at doing the video ourselves. What do you think we could do to improve for our next video? Write us a comment with some advice so we can get better.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Lachie teaches the class!
Monday, 6 August 2012
Tena Koutou
Check out our song. We can use this video when there is no ukulele to sing by. Remember this is an echo song. Think about how to pronounce the words.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Measuring the Olympics accurately
Measuring the Olympics on PhotoPeach
Elaine had us measuring distance accurately as we took part in a mini class Olympics. We all had lots of fun throwing and measuring our shots.
Elaine had us measuring distance accurately as we took part in a mini class Olympics. We all had lots of fun throwing and measuring our shots.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Angus - designer to the Olympics!
To Mrs Taylor
I built this Bow and Arrow out of Lego because I watched the Archery on Sunday. The Italian team won. It was very exciting. The Italian team had to get 10 points (which is a Bullseye) to win the Gold Medal. I hope next time Korea win. China came 7th. I also watched the swimming and China got a gold medal and a bronze medal in the breaststroke.
I hope New Zealand wins a gold medal.
From Angus
Friday, 27 July 2012
Kotahitanga - Maaori Values
We learned about Kotahitanga with Elaine. Some of the values are like our A+ Characteristics. It is our class target to use Kotahitanga every day.
Write us a comment to tell us what values you can see us using in this challenge.
Write us a comment to tell us what values you can see us using in this challenge.
Kotahitanga - Maaori Values on PhotoPeach
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Fluent reading - Josh
Josh has been working on making his reading sound clear and smooth. Have a listen to this! Tell him what you think in a comment.
Telling the time tools
What's the time wolf: match the time for the wolf to move (hour)
Stop the clock: match the analogue with the digital 15 minutes
Stop the clock: match the analogue with digital 5 minutes (harder)
Teaching clock: use this to demonstrate
Hickory clock: feed the mouse by choosing the correct time (15 minutes)
Stop the clock: match the analogue with the digital 15 minutes
Stop the clock: match the analogue with digital 5 minutes (harder)
Teaching clock: use this to demonstrate
Hickory clock: feed the mouse by choosing the correct time (15 minutes)
Reading fluently
Jojo has worked hard to make her reading nice and smooth like talking. She is working on making it fluent. Have a listen and give her a comment. See - she has used one of our new reading phones!
Book Sell - Isabella K
Isabella really loves this book but I didn't quite hear the name of the book - can she write this in a comment below?
I love the excitement and the expression she has used in her voice to share this book. Well sone Isabella.
I love the excitement and the expression she has used in her voice to share this book. Well sone Isabella.
Book Sell - Asterix
This is a book sell from Phelix. I used to love that book too when I was little.
All about Elaine our teacher
These are the great things that Elaine has been doing for us - according to Isabella. We have Elaine in our class for five whole weeks - until the end of Week 5.
Kotahitanga - Maaori Values
This is what Isabella learned about kotahitanga from Elaine. We are thinking about using kotahitanga in our class. Oops - sorry that Isabella is sideways.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Lost and found!
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Bird Feeder and Sugar Water Recipes

Yippee - Isabella's mum is coming in to help us make bird feeders every few weeks, all through the winter so we can look after our native birds. Jess said we also wanted to make nectar feeders to put on the posts that Craig put up for us.
Maybe we can make bird feeders this week and sugar feeders next week?
Here is an information sheet from the Otago Museum. It has a great recipe, information and all the plans we will need. Click on the image to make it bigger.
Term 3 E-Team Newsletter
I am testing out how our newsletter goes with the programme Youblisher. Try clicking on the image to go to the link, where you can turn the page in the top corner and click to make it bigger.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Jeremy - Pen Pal Max
Oops - I have done it again. We must have lots of children practicing walking around sideways.
I love piglets so I might have to go and visit Jeremy. I hope he brings the piglet to Pet Day in Term 4.
Book Sell - Liam
A great start to a book sell Liam. I wonder who you think might like to read this book?
Book Sell - Isabella M
I would love to hear more about why this was a great story from Isabella. Her reading was clear and sounding fluent. Reading out loud with a photo babble is an excellent way to practice fluency.
Graeson - Callum's Pen Pal
Graeson does not walk around sideways but his Photo Babble came out this way. He liked the babble so much that he was happy to put it on the blog like this. Callum, I hope you are good at listening while standing sideways!
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Caught being A+ Accepting
Seeds Book - Eli
Check out this amazing book from Eli.
I can't wait to see the writing ideas he gathers in this book.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Graeson's Greek Writing
Graeson was excited to share his knowledge about the Ancient Greeks. I love the way he used his writing about the lightning from yesterday in this writing. Liz gave Graeson a principal's award for this excellent descriptive writing.
Eli's Snowboard - wow!

This is my snowboard that I made at home in the holidays. I got the wood that was left over from our new floor.
Then I cut it out with the jigsaw. Then I had to sand it till it was smooth. Then we parked Dad's car on the ends to make them curve up like a brought one.

Then I had to undercoat and spray paint the picture that I found on the internet. Then Dad put floor polish on it to seal the little gaps.
The last thing we did to the board was make bindings with old bike inner tubs and mums staple gun. Finally I got to go test it.
We went to Arthurs Pass, my ears popped about a hundred times on the way.

Then we got to go snowboarding.
I fell off about a million times and loved it.
From Eli
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