Wednesday, 30 April 2014

The Fantastic Final Friday of Term 1

The last Friday of Term 1 was fantastic and very busy.  Check out all the things we did!

We wore mufti!

We ran assembly where we played ukulele!

We had a parade!

And finally we completed the Team Shower Curtain Challenge!

Now we are all resting up during the holidays, ready for all the exciting science in our Term 2.

Be a scientist - PROVE IT!

Kids AKO - children running workshops for children!

At the end of Term 1, we ran KidsAKO with Rooms 8 and 3.  That was when we ran workhsops for the other classes.
There were lots of activities to do. We ran a ColAR App workshop. It makes a 3D picture. We had a lot different pictures like a house, a hot air balloon, doll and a teddy bear. We had 8 people in our group. Our team was good at getting set up and encouraging people.

We need to work on sharing the devices and each having a go at being the leader. The little kids were very excited about our workshop. 

By Tate

Friday, 25 April 2014

John Key in the Secret Garden

John Key visited the Secret Garden and talked to a few students about their garden. He talked to them about why they like having their own garden.

People talked to him about worm pee and how it helps the garden - we gave him  a bottle of worm pee. He had a piece of lettuce and talked to special visitors who help and try very hard to support the Secret Garden.

By Rosie and Ollie

Wow - John Key Visits

WOW! John Key came to Springston School. The Kapa haka group did their song and haka.

OMG! Lilly is famous. She got to talk to John Key about why she loves the Secret Garden. Maya gave John Key a bottle of worm pee.

By Aria and  Logan R
ECO Team

John Key & Amy Adams - check out the photos

We had an amazing day at the end of Term 1.  We had two very important visitors, John Key and Amy Adams.  Have a look at some of the photos that were taken of us when they visited our class.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

John Key visited 'The Little School that Grew'.

Listen carefully to the story about the Little School that grew and watch out for the crocodiles that might be hiding in the swimming pool.

Our Kapa Haka Team welcomes John Key

John Key eats lettuce in The Secret Garden.

Our Senior Students Interview John Key

Our senior News Team interview John Key to find out his advice on how to be a good leader.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Kapa Haka Weekend

Check out what Arohaina's brother and sister were doing at the weekend.  They came 3rd in the regionals so will be representing us at the big Kapa Haka competition next year.

Check out the link:
Kapa Haka Video

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Term 1 Reflection: Allana

Positive: This term I am proud of...

  • teaching the class the karakia and some of them being able to say it without looking, with the actions.  
  • using more Te Reo phrases every day in class.  
  • how we are keeping the classroom more tidy - especially my desk!

Next steps:  Next term I want to...

  • unpack more strategies in maths for our display so all our learners can see what the next step is.  
  • ask our waka members for more ideas on how to make our class better for learning.
  • use the 'outdoors' and environment more for our learning.  
  • let the team members take more responsibility - like the ECO Team Leaders on projects and let them lead more of the learning in our waka.

Homeplay Challenge: How do you eat your Creme Egg?

This is how Maya eats her Creme Egg!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

10 Minute Challenge - Escaping Cat

The twisted vicious cat squashed himself in the door. His pitiful meow filled the room as he tried to push through. You could hear him scratching and growling. His contorted face made it look it look like he had a caramel chocolate swirls like ice cream and he was melting slowly. 
He was trapped. 

His white long whiskers were twitching in the sunlight. His face was going to turn into a pancake if he stayed like that all night. He forced the door to open. It was really funny sitting there watching him. 

By Maya
Year 5

10 min challenge - escaping cat

The cats head is getting squished like a pancake. He is trying to get the cat food or trying to get outside.   
The cat is growling at the door as he is forcing the door open.
He has bulging eyes. The cat is trapped.
The cat’s whiskers are twitching.
The cat is twisting its way through.


Tigger tries to escape

The repeated scratching and deep growling reverberated around the room and made me look up.
Tigger, our inquisitive cat had wedged herself in the small gap by the door.  Her chocolate caramel swirl fur looked like melting ice-cream seeping through the gap.  White whiskers trembles and twitched as her paw repeatedly swiped at the door. 
Tigger’s face was contorted as she kept pushing through the gap and her teeth looked like vicious needles ready to bite.
I sat there smiling at the sight and wondered if I should help her get through.


Escaping cat

The cat is squashed like a pancake as it tried to push through the door. It is growling like a trapped tiger. The cat has vicious teeth. It looks like it is forcing the door to shut. The whiskers are poking out very stiffly. His head is twisted around. It is like the cat is getting tortured. It is scratching the door very hard.

Lake Brunner

On Friday I went to l Lake Brunner with my extended family. We stayed at an above ground house with a sleep out out back. My cousins and I stayed in the sleep-out with a pool table, ping-pong table and a bathroom. My uncle Tony owns a batch three houses down. He also owns a pontoon boat down by the yacht club. When my cousins and I  go down we put 50c on the train tracks and when we go back a train should have gone over them. 


Water skiing at Lake Hood

In the weekend my family and I went to Lake Hood to do some water skiing.  We went with Dad’s mates who took their jet boats as well. One of Dad’s mates had a V8 motor in it but we had to fix it because it stalled in the middle of the lake. 
Dad and I had to go help him. I guess he had run out of gas.
Dad’s other mate had a very small boat but it was still good for water skiing and going in the donut.  

When I went in the donut, we went over some big bumps and I came off.   When dad went for a ski he only went on one ski first. Then it started to pour down with rain so we got the boat on the trailer and went home. 

Jack S 

Monday, 7 April 2014

Terrible Storm

Pop bang what a storm. We were all having our netball trials when the sky started to rumble and grumble.

Flash, crack, sizzle the lightning strikes.

Huge drops of rain started to fall then wham hail the size of golf balls rushed down from the sky.

So we all ran as fast as we could to get inside where we could watch the spectacular show mother nature was putting on.

By Taylah

10 Minute Writing - Vicious monster

Ooh hi there. I’m in trouble. I forgot that I could not go though the small space. 
Ooh help I’m trapped in the vicious animal's mouth. I’m not a caramel chocolate ice cream swirl. STOP YOU VICIOUS MOSTER. STOP.
I don’t like it so stop please.   It is killing me.  
I’ll never get out of here. 
Ooh yay I’m out I’m out. 
Bang!  Oh, you're only a door!

Her face was all squashed up like a ball. She was forcing her face.  She was growling like a baby. Libby

10 Minute Challenge - escaping cat

The cats head is getting squished like a pancake. He is trying to get the cat food or trying to get outside.   
The cat is growling at the door as he is forcing the door open.
He has bulging eyes. The cat is trapped.
The cat’s whiskers are twitching.
The cat is twisting its way through.


Escaping cat - 10 min challenge

I was coming home and I saw my cat stuck. We crack up laughing as his head was twisted with force into the gap. He had his teeth and his tongue out. He was growling and howling like a thunder storm. He tried really hard to get through. He is probably going to be vicious but he is a funny cat.

By Jack B

Escaping cat - 10 minute challenge

The twisted vicious cat squashed himself in the door. His pitiful meow filled the room as he tried to push through the doors. You could hear him scratching and growling. His contorted face made it look it look like he had a caramel chocolate swirls like ice cream and he was melting slowly. 
He was trapped. 
His white long whiskers were twitching in the sunlight. His face was going to turn into a pancake if he stayed like that all night. He forced the door to open. It was really funny sitting there watching him. 


Cat stuck in a door

The little pussy cat is squashed like pancake as she tries to get through the door.
Little pussy is groaning like a giant’s tummy. 
I think the cat is saying...

“I want that fish for dinner.  Yum,yum,yum. I am scratching the door to get out. Ooh no, I think I am stuck.  My face is squashed in the white wooden door. Now I will never get my fish for dinner.”

By Harriet 
Year 5

10 min challenge - Escaping cat

Yesterday my cat got stuck in a little gap in the door. It had a squished face. It looked like it was going to scratch you and bite but he looked like he had a smile. The cat’s fur was caramel chocolate swirls, just like ice cream.

by Alfonso

The escaping cat - 10 minute challenge

The caramel chocolate swirly cat was stuck in the doorway. “Meeow”, he cried.  I could hear scratching. He looked like he was squashed like a pancake with mayple syrup seeping out the doorway. His whiskers were twitching like mad. “Get me out of here!” Is what I think he was saying. It almost looked like his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. It was so funny!

by Kaylee

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Tēna Koutou e hoa mā

17. Tēnā Koutou (e hoa mā)
Tēnā koutou
E hoa m
Kua tae mai nei I tēnei wā

Nō reira rā
E hoa mā
Kia ora rā Koutou katoa

Kua rongo hoki ahau (x3) 
Kei te haere mai koutou


(repeat from start) 

Greetings, oh friends arrived here this day.
Therefore, oh friends, Good health, to you all.
I had heard of course that you were all coming. 
Therefore, good health to you all.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Monday - Sports event for Year 4

Please check out the notice coming home for Year 4 students.  The Selwyn Sports Spectacular is on Monday

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