Saturday, 14 August 2010

Pizza fraction challenge

Our learning teams are all working on fractions at the moment and I found this cool question for you to answer.

The Adventures of Mrs. Meatball.

Mrs. Meatball orders pizza cut into 8 slices. Her daughter eats 1/4 ofthe pizza. Her son eats 1/2 of the pizza and she eats one slice.

1. Is there any pizza left?

2. What fraction of the pizza did the family eat?

I got this questions straight from the blog of Sensational Seven but beware - they are only seven and eight years old.  I hope we can answer their maths problem! 

Go and check out their answers and make sure you post your answer on our blog as a comment.  Don't forget to explain how you solved the problem and add your first name. 

Always keep safe by not posting any other personal details on the blog.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Adopting 'Rock Babies'

As part of the beginning of our inquiry we have adopted 'Rock Babies' to see how hard it is to meet the needs of a child. Many of our babies have clothes, faces and even little box houses. We have to look after them and solve the challenges we face each day. We write a diary with our ideas and what we are learning about child needs.

The first challenge was to find someone to look after our baby when we went to the sports tournament. The second challenge was to find a way to keep our baby warm as we live in a shack with no electricity.

I wonder what Allana will dream up for us to solve next!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Congratulations on becoming a proud parent .... of a 'Rock Baby'.

I want to be the first to congratulate you on becoming the proud adoptive parent of a 'Rock Baby'.  I know you will do everything within your power to meet your child's needs and make sure it has a happy and rewarding life. 

Leave us a comment to explain how you will meet the needs of your 'Rock Baby'.  You have a few days to get organised as the sports tournament is not until Thursday.  But don't forget that according to the Convention of the Rights of a Child there are many things you need to think about. 
How will you manage with your first challenge of parenthood?

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