Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Supporting Maths

Dear Parents,
This is what we will be doing at school in Year 4 maths / numeracy and how you can support our learning at home.
(TKI website)

Supporting Writing

Dear Parents,
This is what we will be doing at school in Year 4 writing and how you can support our learning at home. (TKI website)

Supporting reading at home

Dear Parents,
Learning is a partnership between school, the children and home.  I know that when we are all working together your child's learning will really benefit. 
Here are a few ideas on what we will be learning at school this year in reading and how your can support this learning at home.

(These resources are from TKI - the Ministry of Education website)

Check out Newsletter No. 1

Check out our news for the start of the year.  Click on the image for a closer look.   Click on the image again to make it even bigger!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Countdown to meet the new team

The final countdown......

Eight days until we meet the new 2012 E-Team EndeavourI hope you are as excited as I am.

We will have 21 Year 4 students, ready to prove that they are amazing Springston A+ Learners.  Watch this space for your personal introduction.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Arty Fruit and Vegetables

Check out the blog that tells you how to create amazing mozaic images of fruit and vegetables just like the ones created here.

We will need to read the blog.  Then we will need to creat the instructions that we can follow.  Hopwefully our pictures will look as good as these!