Thursday, 24 January 2013

Happy harvest - from my garden.

I visited The Secret Garden this morning and everything has been GROWING!  We will have to harvest the last of the allotments then dig them all over and begin again.  You should have seen the weeds!

Yesterday I took my Christmas present out into the garden and picked lots of produce.  Can you recognise anything in my basket?  I wonder how many different plants we can name in comments below.  Isabella, I know you are watching and will be the first to respond.  Who else is checking out the blog before school?

Bonus points for anyone who can tell me what this type of basket is called!


  1. I can recognise that you have in your Trug: Blueberries, tomatoes, radishes and strawberries.
    Isabella M

  2. Well done Isabella - you are the first of the E-Team Endeavour to respond to the blog this year. I wonder who else will join your observant team?

    Do you know what those yellow things in my basket are that look like space ships? Well done - this strange basket is indeed called a trug!

  3. Are the yellow things, patty pan squashes? Mum says she knows but she's not telling and I can't find anything else on goggle that looks similar.
    Isabella M

  4. You are spot on. Another name for Patty Pan Squash is Scallpoini. They boys have some HUGE ones in their Secret Garden Allotment but they are much nicer when they are little and nutty.

  5. Beautiful Trug Alanna. You were spoilt for Xmas. Your secret garden is obviously plentiful. Are they boysenberries or logan berries in the middle?

  6. They are a hybrid berry called Berry Delight that fruit through Christmas and have just finished at the end of Jan. They have a sharp nip - not as sweet as boysenberries.


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